January 20, 2013 – Osaka, Japan

Open the Dream Gate Champion: CIMA
Open the Triangle Gate Champions: Genki Horiguchi H.A.Gee.Mee., Ryo “Jimmy” Saito & Mr. Quu Quu Toyonaka Dolphin
Open the Brave Gate Champion: Dragon Kid
Open the Twin Gate Champions: Masaaki Mochizuki & Don Fujii
Open the Freedom Gate Champion: Johnny Gargano
Open the United Gate Champions: CIMA & AR Fox

Cyber Kong vs. Kotoka {MG}
At the end of 2012, these two lost matches that determined them to be to the weakest wrestlers in Dragon Gate. Now we can find out who the ultimate jobber is. This of course will go nowhere productive, like all jobber angles in wrestling. Kong absorbs Kotoka’s shoulder tackles and hits one of his own. He hits a press slam. He puts on a bear hug. Kotoka dropkicks both legs. He hits a missile dropkick. He hits a diving double stomp for 2. Kong hits the Oklahoma Slam. He hits a diving elbowdrop for 2. He hits the Pineapple Bomber for the win at 3:46. I guess Kotoka sucks the hardest. This was fine, and I bet they could actually put on a pretty good match if given ten minutes.
Rating: *½

Ryo Saito and CIMA come out to sign the contract for the main event Dream Gate match. Saito claims he’ll win the belt for the Jimmyz. CIMA is excited to fight him.

Don Fujii {Z}, Dragon Kid {Z} & Gamma {Z} vs. Jimmy Susumu {J}, Jimmy Kagetora {J} & Mr. Quu Quu Toyonaka Dolphin {J}
Dolphin and Kid start. Kid hits a head scissor takedown. Kagetora hits Fujii with a leg lariat. Gamma dropkicks Kagetora out of a chair. Susumu attacks Gamma from behind and does the Warrior Uuu. Kagetora hits a slingshot elbowdrop. Dolphin hits the facebusters. Gamma hits a back suplex. Kid hits a pair of kneedrops for 2. Fujii whips Dolphin with a belt. He hits a pair of elbowdrops and a big boot. Gamma throws his water bottle at Dolphin. Dolphin hits Kid with the FH and a kneelift. Kagetora hits a missile dropkick. He hits Gamma with an enziguiri. He hits Fujii with the leaping lariat. Susumu with a slugfest against Fujii. Fujii hits a lariat. Susumu hits an exploder. Fujii hits a chokeslam. Dolphin and Gamma trade chops. Dolphin hits the FH. He takes off his trunks and smacks Gamma with them. Gamma grabs them and smacks him back. He covers Dolphin’s face and hits a powerbomb. Dolphin pulls down Gamma’s trunks. The Jimmyz gang up on the bare-bummed Gamma. Susumu hits the super exploder. Kagetora hits the flying elbowdrop for 2. Kid hits the Skyscraper Frankensteiner. Susumu blocks the Messiah and hits a suplex. Dolphin hits the Casanova and the reverse Implant for 2. Fujii hits a lariat on Kagetora. Kagetora gets the Kagenui on Gamma for 2. Gamma hits ht Axe Bomber and Kid hits the Ultra Hurricanrana for the win at 13:58. Wow, I didn’t expect much of this particular Zetsurin team, but this match was a total blast! It doesn’t do much for Dolphin’s bid for Kid’s title, but as a match on its own it was a treat.
Rating: ***½

Masaaki Mochizuki {Z} & HUB {Z} vs. Mondai Ryu {MB} & Kzy {MB}
Before the match, Mondai Ryu cuts a promo about a promo he cut on Prime Zone. HUB whips him to start. Everyone brawls around the ring. HUB bites Kzy’s leg. He hits the Shining Wizard. Mochizuki snaps Kzy’s hair tie in his face. He and HUB make a wish. HUB hits a senton for 2. He puts on the anklelock but Kzy gets to the ropes. Kzy puts on the Testicular Claw. Ryu hits a dropkick to the face. He chokes HUB for 2. He hits the Panic Attack. Kzy hits a senton for 2. HUB hits a crossbody. Mochizuki hits a missile dropkick. HUB whips Ryu. He whips Kzy as Mochizuki hits a chest kick. Kzy misses the B-Boy. Mochizuki hits a chest kick for 2. Kzy hits the Beat Bomb. Mochizuki slams him off the top. HUB hits the Black Magic for 2. Kzy and Ryu hit low blows. Kzy hits the B-Boy. He and Ryu miss stereo KZ Times. Mochizuki and HUB hit stereo offense. HUB pins Ryu with the Superfly Splash at 9:58. Keep on reading, nothing to see here. It’s a new year guys, would it kill you to do anything that might surprise us?
Rating: *

YAMATO {A} vs. Shachihoko BOY {W1}
BOY controls with armdrags and a head scissor takedown to start. YAMATO sneaks under the ring to dropkick BOY’s leg from behind. He hits a dropkick. They trade chops. YAMATO hits a big boot. BOY hits the springboard enziguiri. He hits a missile dropkick for 2. YAMATO hits the running dropkick. BOY hits the roundhouse kick. He hits the Shiranui for 2. YAMATO blocks the moonsault. He hits a few elbows. BOY gets a roll up for 2. He gets la magistral for 2. YAMATO hits the Galleria for the win at 6:07. BOY got to look really competitive here, but not skilled enough to stop YAMATO from countering his head scissor takedown to the dangerous Galleria. I dig it.
Rating: **¼

Jimmy Kanda {J} & Genki Horiguchi H.A.Gee.Mee. {J} vs. Shingo Takagi {A} & Super Shenlong {A}
Horiguchi avoids Shenlong’s dropkick to start. Shenlong misses again. Horiguchi avoids the third dropkick attempt. Shenlong’s fourth misses and Horiguchi hits one of his own. Takagi hits Kanda with a shoulder tackle. Kanda hits an exploder. He hits a suicide dive. Horiguchi avoids another Shenlong dropkick. He hits a back elbow. He puts on a half crab. Takagi makes the save. Horiguchi hits a basement dropkick for 2. Kanda hits a side slam for 2. Horiguchi goes back to the half crab. Shenlong gets to the ropes. He finally hits the dropkick on Horiguchi. Takagi cleans house. Shenlong this Kanda with a head scissor takedown and a nutty plancha. Takagi hits Horiguchi with a backbreaker. Shenlong hits the reverse Rocker Dropper for 2. Takagi hits the Sliding Bomber for 2. Horiguchi counters the DVD to a reverse DDT. Kanda hits an elbow on Shenlong. He hits the Flapjack. Horiguchi hits a brainbuster for 2. Shenlong rolls Kanda up for 2. Takagi hits the Pumping Bomber for 2. Kanda hits a German suplex. Shenlong rolls him up for 2. Kanda hits the Jon Woo, the Ryus, and the flying elbowdrop for the win at 10:19. I think this was booked about as perfectly as possible, with the Jimmy looking strong going into their Twin Gate match, Shenlong getting a nice plucky babyface storyline within the match, and Takagi doing his Takagi thing.
Rating: ***

Akira Tozawa {MB}, BxB Hulk {MB} & Naoki Tanisaki {MB} vs. Naruki Doi {W1}, Masato Yoshino {W1} & Ricochet {W1}
Everyone brawls to start. Tanisaki hits Doi with a shoulder tackle. Doi hits a senton. Yoshino hits Hulk with a dropkick. Hulk kicks his face. Yoshino hits a head scissor takedown. Ricochet rolls Tozawa up for 2. He hits a head scissor takedown. Hulk hits a low blow. Tanisaki hits a back elbow. Doi hits Tozawa with a back elbow. Yoshino hits a double stomp to the arm. Tanisaki hits a delayed vertical suplex for 2. Hulk hits a senton for 2. He puts on a chinlock. Yoshino chops him. SPEED! MUSCLE! Ricochet hits the Turnbuckle Head Slam^2. Doi and Yoshino hit a double suplex and Ricochet hits a standing moonsault for 2. Tozawa jabs Yoshino after baiting him with chops. Hulk and Tanisaki hit elbowdrops for 2. Hulk hits a roundhouse kick. Tozawa hits a senton. He reverts back to the boring 1-chair senton for 2. Hulk hits an axe kick for 2. Yoshino dropkicks Tozawa. Doi dropkicks Hulk. Ricochet dropkicks Tanisaki. He hits a plancha. Tozawa hits Doi with a brainbuster for 2. Doi hits a neckbreaker. Yoshino hits the elevated facebuster for 2. He and Tanisaki trade chops. Doi hits the elevated senton. Ricochet hits the Lionsault for 2. Yoshino dropkicks Hulk. He and Ricochet go crazy town on Hulk for 2. Ricochet misses a 450 Splash. Tanisaki hits the reverse Michinoku Driver and Tozawa hits a German suplex for 2. Ricochet hits an enziguiri. Yoshino hits the shotgun senton for 2. He hits Tozawa with the Torbellino and Doi hits the Bakatare Sliding Kick for 2. Ricochet and Doi hit the Die Fly for 2. Hulk hits a reverse hurricanrana on Ricochet. He suplexes Doi and hits an axe kick. Doi hits a crucifix bomb for 2. Ryu throws salt and Hulk hits the First Flash for the win at 19:50. That finish was a bit of a drag, but that’s what Mad Blankey is all about, I suppose. The match rocked and rolled all over my life, just like every World-1 match does lately.
Rating: ***¾

After the match Hulk gloats about how dominant Mad Blankey is in 2013. Tanisaki says that on the next episode of Infinity, he will defeat Mr. Quu Quu and exile him from Dragon Gate. Dolphin comes out and tells Tanisaki that he will beat him and rename him. Tanisaki says that Dolphin will lose, and will have to forfeit his Triangle Gate title belt. Kong comes out and says that he will gladly take Dolphin’s spot should he lose to Tanisaki. Hulk rips on Kong. Horiguchi slaps Kong to remind him that he’s not a Jimmy just because he’s teaming with them in Korakuen in February, and he will not be taking anyone’s place on the Triangle Gate team. He shakes Kong’s hand, and then tells the crowd to cheer for Ryo “Jimmy” Saito in the main event.

CIMA © {Z} vs. Ryo “Jimmy” Saito {J} [Open the Dream Gate Championship Match]
The typical feeling out process starts the match. Saito hits a shoulder tackle. He hits a hurricanrana. He goes after the leg. That goes on for quite a while, but I wouldn’t put too much money on CIMA selling it. CIMA hits the Superdrol, but that jacks up his leg. CIMA hits a senton. He ties Saito in a knot and pins him for 2. He hits the sodomy dropkick. He knocks Saito to the floor and hits a snap suplex. He hits a senton in the ring. He socks Saito in the face. He puts on the Romero Special. He hits the X-Factor for 2. He hits a chest kick but doesn’t have any power behind it. Saito hits an overhead suplex. He hits a German suplex for 2. CIMA hits a double stomp. He hits another for 2. He hits a powerbomb and the Miniora, but that really screws up his knee. Saito blocks the Crossfire. CIMA gets a roll up for 2. Saito looks to be knocked loopy. CIMA hits a superkick. Saito hits a German suplex. He misses the Superfly Splash. CIMA hits the double knee kick and the Schwein for 2. Saito hits the fisherman superplex for 2. CIMA hits a superkick. He hits the Meteora to the back. His leg must feel fine because he goes for another. Saito avoids it and hits two dragon suplexes for 2. He hits the Double Cross for 2. CIMA blocks the Premium Bridge and hits the Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex for the win (after botching and repeating the spot) at 24:47. The crowd was really into Saito, and predictably also loyal to CIMA. Sadly, botching the finish and then repeating it in such a obvious fashion is inexcusable. Also, why the hell is the Japanese Ocean Cyclone finishing a match? Saito got jobbed out here in a big way. The rest of the match was just fine, certainly better than their 2008 match, thanks almost entirely to Saito and the crowd heat.
Rating: ***¼

CIMA starts cutting his victory promo, but Kanda decides he’s heard enough and stops looking after Saito to hit CIMA with the Jon Woo. He challenges CIMA for the Dream Gate title. They argue about CIMA looking polished and Kanda looking rough. Referee Yagi comes out to make the match official for Memorial Gate in February. So I’m sure we won’t see the match until it’s released on commercial DVD over the summer.